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    Books By Pastor Laurence A. Justice

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    Roman Catholicism

    Download the PDF here, or call or write the Pastor to get a professional printing by Faith Publications of Taylors, South Carolina. Copies are free to those who will pay the postage.

    "There are several important reasons for writing this book:

    1. Because Roman Catholicism is the largest Christian Denomination in the world.
    2. Because a major proportion of the population of Kansas City is Roman Catholic.
    3. Because of the tremendous religious and political and economic power which the Catholic Church holds throughout the world.
    4. Because of the constant Catholic propoganda disseminated in the American media, especially in connection with the travels of the Pope.
    5. Because of the great ignorance of most Americans concerning the teachings and practices of Catholicism.
    6. Because it is the responsibility of God's preachers to warn their people of false prophets and to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
    7. Because of a recent personal experience with adherents of Catholicism on a trip to Mexico.

    It is not my intention in this book to unduly criticize of attack or slander Catholicism. Rather it is to inform and warn people of the dangers of Catholicism in relation to the eternal destinies of their souls. I have documented every statement about Catholicism's beliefs using her own writings. I have attempted to let Rome speak for herself."

    God's Preacher

    First Printing 1988, Revised 2012

    The book gives special attention to several thoughtful questions:

    • How can one identify God�s call to the gospel ministry?
    • Does God ever withdraw the call to the ministry?
    • What are the Bible qualifications for the Gospel Ministry?
    • How can a Bible student identify false teachers of whom Paul warned?

    The whole theme of the Gospel Ministry is dealt with scripturally, reverently, and practically. It expresses the author�s soul-deep conviction of his own calling.

    Compilations of Messages From Our Annual Sovereign Grace Conferences

    Biblical Creation

    Messages Preached August 4-6, 2009 at Our 28th Annual Sovereign Grace Conference

    The theme was Biblical Creation and six men of God were assigned two sermons each on twelve subjects relevant to the theme. These men were asked not to preach on science but on what God�s word says about the creation of the universe. It is our hope and intention in printing these sermons that many young lives will be influenced by the truth of God�s word and protected from Satan�s soul destroying errors concerning origins, that God will be glorified, that Christ will be exalted and that souls will be saved.

    Baptist History

    Baptist History

    Messages Preached August 5-7, 2008 at Our 26th Annual Sovereign Grace Conference

    The theme of the conference was Baptist History and it is our prayerful desire that pastors and teachers and individual Christians will use the materials in this book in preaching, teaching and studying the important and colorful history of the people called Baptists from the time of Christ to the present day. We suggest that the book be used for sermon background, as a textbook in Sunday Schools and Bible Colleges, as a personal study guide and reference source for students of Baptist history. This book is intended to be a companion volume to the book, The New Testament Church, which is a collection of the sermons preached at the 20th annual Sovereign Grace Conference at Victory Baptist Church in August of 2001.

    The New Testament Church

    The New Testament Church

    Messages Preached August 7-9, 2001 at Our 20th Annual Sovereign Grace Conference

    The theme of this conference was The New Testament Church and each message dealt with an important aspect of that theme. It is our prayerful desire that pastors and teachers and individual Christians will use the biblical materials in this book in preaching, teaching and studying the great New Testament doctrine of the church. We suggest that the book be used for sermon background, as a textbook in Sunday Schools and Bible Colleges, and as a personal study guide and reference for students of God's Word.

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